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Please give us the following information about yourself

Your Name
Military Service

Tell us about your experience with the AKN

Where have you heard about the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN) efforts across DoD and your Military Service?
Have you used any of the AKN tools in the past?
Have you used other avian data collection tools in the past, such as eBird and iNaturalist?

Tell us about your experience with DoD AKN Training

Have you attended an AKN training in the past?
What kind of training would you be interested in the future?
If you were to attend a training in the future, which times of year would you prefer to have the training?
What region of the country would you prefer for an in-person training?

Tell us a bit about about your installation's avian data

Please select the avian survey type(s) your installation has conducted and has either current or historical data available.
In the future, select which avian surveys you plan to conduct at your installation.
Do you use a field methodology where data are collected about a single individual multiple times within a count? (e.g. record an individual detected in minute 1 and minute 3)
Do you use a field methodology that documents only a limited set of species, as opposed to all species present?
How many years of avian data surveys has your installation collected (approx)?
Roughly how may observation records (aka rows of data) of historical avian survey data data do you have at your installation?
Which DoD Mission-Sensitive Species occur on your installation?
Which DoD Mission Sensitive Species are you planning to do surveys for?