Just Announced: FY24 DoD AKN Training Schedule

The DoD AKN Team is excited to roll out the DoD Avian Knowledge Network training schedule for FY24! Participants will learn the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the AKN and DoD’s commitment to the use of the AKN. They will leave with the capability to upload, archive, access, and use extensive avian data tools to assist in NEPA analysis and assessing impacts of readiness and non-readiness activities. See below for dates and locations of upcoming in-person DoD AKN Trainings:

January 30-February 1 – NAVFAC SW, San Diego, CA (three-day training)
Registration is currently OPEN! Visit the training registration page on the DoD AKN Portal to register:

March 25 – NMFWA, Grand Rapids, MI (one-day training)
Registration for the training will be handled through the National Military Fish and Wildlife Association (NMFWA) Annual Training Workshop registration, which can be found on their website

April 23-25 – Fort Huachuca, AZ (three-day training)
Registration will be open soon! Check the DoD AKN Portal Training Page for updates.

August 26-29 – MCSF Blount Island, FL (three-day training)
Registration will be open in early 2024. Check the DoD AKN Portal Training Page for updates.

The Team will also be offering two Military Service-sponsored in-person trainings which will be advertised within the sponsoring Service branch:

February 21-23 – MCB Hawaii Marine Corps/Navy OCONUS (three-day training)
Registration is currently OPEN! Visit the training registration page on the DoD AKN Portal to register:
Seats prioritized for OCONUS Marine and Navy personnel

July 16-18 – Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City, OK (three-day training)
Registration will be open in early 2024. Check the DoD AKN Portal Training Page for updates.
Seats prioritized for Air Force personnel.

Course Description:
On 24 Jun 2022, the Office of the Secretary of Defense issued a memo that endorses and requires the use of the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN) by each DoD Component. The power of the AKN and its tools, are dependent on getting data uploaded and users trained on the system.
Attendees will learn about how the AKN system is organized, how to create project metadata and input data, how data sharing levels work, how to visualize, analyze, and aggregate data for conservation purposes. They will learn about capability of pooling Military Service-specific data, regional data, and habitat-specific data including data from our federal partners.
For the most up-to-date information on upcoming in-person DoD AKN trainings, please visit the DoD AKN Portal at https://www.dodakn.org/
This training is in-person and will take place over 3 days.

Instructors include engineers and biologists from Point Blue Conservation Science, Klamath Bird Observatory, and U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center – Environmental Laboratory.

Questions? Email the Team at DoDAKN@erdc.dren.mil
Want to host a future DoD AKN Training at your installation? Email Liz Neipert at elizabeth.s.neipert@erdc.dren.mil

Upcoming In-Person DoD AKN Training- August 29-31, 2023

Mark your calendars! We are happy to announce that registration is now open for our next three day, in-person DoD AKN training at Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor in Washington state. See details about the training below and grab your spot today!
– When: August 29-31, 2023; daily 0800-1700
– Where: Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor, WA
– Course description and registration information can be found HERE

Keep an eye out for more training opportunities in FY24!
Upcoming training

Upcoming training opportunities

In the upcoming year, we will be hosting several hands-on, training opportunities in different regions of the country. We will make announcements on this DoD AKN Portal as we finalize locations and dates. Check back often.

We will be delivering another DoD AKN training session at the National Military Fish and Wildlife Association’s (NMFWA) Annual meeting and Training Workshop in St. Louis on March 20, 2023. Sign up for the AKN training at NMFWA will be handled with your NMFWA meeting registration.