Statement of Work Language for Avian Data in DoD Contracts and Agreements

As per the June 24, 2022 Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Mandate Memo, avian data collected through any DoD Component funding must utilize the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN) to the “maximum extent practicable.”

In order to comply with this mandate, the DoD AKN Team has developed statement of work (SOW) language for DoD contracts and agreements to specify DoD ownership of data and the use of the AKN by contractors and/or cooperators which is now available on the portal here:

Statement of Work Language for Avian Data in DoD Contracts and Agreements

On this page, you will find a menu of language to be included in your SOWs and additional guidance for contractors to ensure avian data collected on DoD installations and/or utilizing DoD funding meets required data standards and is incorporated into the DoD AKN Program properly.