2024DoDBandingTrainingFeedback Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please answer the following questions Thank you for providing your feedback on the 2024 DoD Banding 101 Training held at Klamath Bird Observatory, September 2024. Your feedback will help us improve future banding trainings for DoD personnel, including input on upcoming advanced banding training. Course ContentOverall Satisfaction: How satisfied were you with the Bird Banding 101 training session? Very satisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedTraining Content: How would you rate the relevance of the training content to your current role or interests? Very relevantSomewhat relevantNeutralNot very relevantNot relevant at allKnowledge Gained: Do you feel that your knowledge of bird banding techniques and running banding stations has improved after attending the workshop? Strongly agreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagree your Time would Practical Application: How confident do you feel in applying the bird banding techniques you learned in your fieldwork? Very confidentSomewhat confidentNeutralNot very confidentNot confident at allHands-On Experience: How would you rate the hands-on portion of the workshop (e.g., bird handling, banding practice)? ExcellentGoodFairPoorVery poorTrainers, Materials, and Course LogisticsClass size: How did you find the class size? Too manyJust rightToo fewi.e., instructor to student ratioTime Management: Was the length of the workshop appropriate for the amount of content covered? Too longJust rightToo shortTrainer Effectiveness: How effective were the trainers in delivering the content and answering questions? Very effectiveEffectiveNeutralIneffectiveVery ineffectiveWorkshop Materials: Were the materials provided (presentations, handouts, resources) helpful in understanding the bird banding process? Very helpfulHelpfulNeutralNot helpfulNot helpful at allSuggested Improvements and Future TrainingsLogistics: Are there any improvements that could be made in regards to the logistics associated with the training? E.g., travel, accommodations, transportation, etc.Future Workshops: What additional topics or skills would you like to see covered in future bird banding workshops, such as a 201 course?Additional Feedback: Please provide any additional feedback or suggestions to improve future bird banding training sessions.Submit